High Grade, Modded, Painted, WIP

HGRG Grimoire “Hengst”

Time for me to get back to the subject that got me into the modeling in the first place, Gunpla! This actually made for a group build which obviously have been long over due since it have ended just over a year ago. The objective as far i remember was to modified a grunt suit to a an Ace suit.

Prep Work

The idea is using the recently release kit (at the time) HG Grimoire as the base for modification. The only purchase that i done specifically for this is the Kotobukiya ACV V.I. Weapon Set which is rated for 1/72 but seem to work find with this 1/144 kit.

After alot of testing combination of weapons, i settle with two weapon which are the huge foldable cannon the AM-SCA-122 and a semi-circle laser blade called X100 Moonlight. As for other modification, i use some leftover parts from other past finish and abandon projects. The parts are:

Kotobukiya Metal Gear REX: Shield, railing, connectors, side pieces, camera parts.
RG Skygrasper: Sword Strike shield, parts of backpack.
HGUC GM Striker: Shield connector.
Builders Parts HD MS Thruster 01
Builders Parts HD MS Armor 01
Builders Parts MS Blade 01
Missile pack
MG Destiny Gundam
: Gun sight.
Extend Arms 02 (Extend Parts Set for EXF-10/32 Graifen): Machine gun.
And probably some parts that i forget where they come from.

A quick summary of those modification, I use different diameter of pla-beam to mount the small strike shield and the side machine guns. I also use magnets for mounting the big guns and the missile pack which i later found out it probably not a great idea for holding up big parts but acceptable enough.

The shoulder shield connector is made of HG joint with the part of the connector from the REX at the end which is reinforced with steel beam since it easily broke of everytime i try to move the shield around.

As for the paint scheme, i want to keep it simple by using different tone of the original color of the suit. The list as follows:

  • Mr Color TC18 Japanese Army Khaki – Main color
  • Mr Color 28 Steel – Weapons
  • Gaianotes Neutral Grey V – Main color
  • Tamiya X-11 Chrome Silver – Dry brushing
  • Army Painter Warpaints Dragon Red
  • Army Painter Warpaints Gunmetal
  • Army Painter Warpaints Matt Black

Lastly the decal used are old Kamper waterdecal that i got from Samueldecal and Armata tank from Takom kit.

The Result

2 thoughts on “HGRG Grimoire “Hengst””

  1. Can you point me specifically which parts that you paint using mr color 28? I want to use it but there are very few examples of the color in the internet.

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